Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday 10am, So Far so Good

Actually it's only 9:59am.

I got up this morning about my usual time, 6:30am. Caught up with Facebook, browsed my subscribed feeds in Google Reader, made myself a light breakfast, which I read in front of my computer while reading my daily links via the My Morning Coffee plug-in for Firefox... pretty much my usual morning. Nerdy and boring but it works for me.

I had done all that, and was presentable and out the door by 8:45am. I had an appointment at the oral surgeon for 9am. I could have drove, but I like walking, especially since the office is only a mile or so from my house. The receptionist who sat me in an examining room asked me if I had the day off. I said no, I was working a double shift. Which is true, I have today planned by the hour, sometimes by the minute up to 9pm. I have many tasks at both businesses to do plus some personal errands before that. I thought of being my own boss, I looked down at the comfortable clothing I was wearing and would be wearing all day and thought of the Beastie Boys line "the truth is I'm exactly what I want to be".

My mouth has healed well and I'm ready for a new tooth to be done by my regular dentist. Dr. Kaye's office is extremely efficient and they had me in and out in about 13 minutes. The walk home was equally as pleasant as the walk up. I really like living in a walkable neighborhood. I like the inefficiency timewise of walking and the non-hurried pace walking provides, though since it adds some exercise to my day, walking might be considered very efficient. And I even had a few minutes to sit on my front porch.

At this stage of my life, I am not really into material stuff. The less the better, but my post-Victorian house brings me a lot of pleasure. I live in an unglamorous but safe neighborhood and my house didn't set me back much. It's my middle-aged man house and being a middle aged man I really like it. It has all sorts of things I was looking for including an open front porch and a decent sized back yard for gardening

I sat on my porch for a few minutes contemplating my landscaping efforts, the very comfortable wire/resin wickerlike furniture I got a sweet deal on and was sitting upon. I contemplated that I hadn't really sat on the porch much this year, having spent lots of time out back now that my efforts have resulted in a very nice garden. I thought of the juxtaposition of my front porch on a noisy busy street and the quiet solitude of my garden out back. I remembered how much fun it was hanging on the front porch last summer with lots of friends after Tanconellis and thought we should have a porch party before the weather turns.

I contemplated the unsociable cat that has been hanging around the house for a week or two now who took way too long to notice me. He/she finally saw me, came in for a closer look and then took off. I thought on being at a stage in my life to have all that and be able to enjoy it. I thought about my wife and how I wouldn't be happy living here alone without her.

Now I'm in my home office, catching up on email, and knocking out the first draft of this blog. Next I'll work for an hour on the somewhat involved project of restoring my garage windows. Then a short nap then off to the Grey Lodge and then to Hop Angel where I have a long list of things to get done.

The truth is I'm exactly what I want to be, and where I want to be.

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